Martin Berg Guide and Expedition Leader
Martin’s passionate interest in birds and mammals has brought him all over the globe. He has always been drawn to adventures and has participated in several expeditions, for example to the Amazon rainforest, Caucasus and the Himalayas to study rare and endangered bird species.
Martin’s passion for birds and mammals has brought him all over the world in his search for rare species. He has always been drawn to adventures and has taken part in many expeditions and conservation projects. As part of such projects he has spent time in the Amazon rainforest, the Arctic, Caucasus, and the Himalayas to study poorly known and endangered bird species. He has also spent several seasons studying seabirds on islands in the North Atlantic Ocean and around New Zealand and conducted at-sea surveys on seabirds and marine mammals in waters around Antarctica.
Martin holds an Honours degree in Biology from Lund University in Sweden and a Master’s degree in Marine Biology from Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre in Canada. He lives in Stockholm, Sweden, but spends most of his time either in the Arctic or Antarctica where he guides and gives lectures in a wide range of topics related to natural history.