PolarQuest's Staff Seminar 2024
The second weekend in April PolarQuest's annual guide meeting took place in Gothenburg, officially marking the start of the 2024 season. Many of our eminent guides gathered with staff from PolarQuest's office to participate. It was a very informative and fun few days with a focus on co-operation exercises, lectures, and practical preparations in the field. We are now looking forward to an exciting season in the Arctic and Northern Norway and to meeting all our wonderful travellers!
The weekend began with a fond reunion for many, while also welcoming some new faces. PolarQuest's CEO Marie Lannborn Barker opened this year's staff seminar, marking the start of the 2024 season! Inviting all guides and office staff to a joint kick-off every year is somewhat a unique initiative in the industry, and it is both highly appreciated and important.
Working in a small, tight team in such a closed environment as a ship requires good collaboration skills. With the help of Lars Rokkjaer, a consultant in communication and leadership, PolarQuest has since last year implemented a so-called 'listening culture' at the company. This should help to increase understanding of each other's different personalities and so the team can become even stronger. According to Lars, the customer experience is very much linked to the atmosphere among the staff on board.
– If the staff are happy and get something out of working together, the guests are also satisfied.
Polar bear expert, scientist and author Nikita Ovsyanikov was a popular feature of the seminar as he gave a talk on polar bears. For many, he was also a familiar face, having worked as a guide for PolarQuest for many years. Nikita has spent more time in the Arctic and with polar bears than most people on earth. With both a Master's degree in biology and a PhD in zoology, as well as countless months of field experience, he has deep knowledge of the living conditions of predators like Arctic foxes and polar bears, as well as the ecological contexts in which they live. For years, he has been one of the strongest and most important voices in favour of polar bear protection.
As part of our annual routine, we also spent a day at the shooting range this year. There, the guides had the opportunity to update their skills in safe weapon handling and also to practice shooting. In parallel, first aid and CPR exercises took place.
Of course, time was also set aside for relaxed socializing, which was just as valuable. Spirits were high, and everyone was enthusiastic about the coming season!