Today, as a contrast to yesterday morning, we woke up to blue skies and sunshine. We landed in a small bay in Liefdefjord, next to “Texas Bar”, a traditional trappers cabin built by Norwegian trapper Hilmar Nøis in 1927.
After sharing tales outside and having a peek inside (at all the liquor bottles, but no cowboys), we went on different hikes. All hikes ended up with a fantastic view over Monaco Glacier.

As we were sailing back North towards Woodfjord, Daniel spotted a bear on the coastline. After observing it for a while by ship, we went out in Zodiacs to see it a bit closer. The big heavy male was clearly affected by the heat (8DgC today), and after swimming and walking for a while it laid down for a well-earned nap. The last thing we saw before returning was a big polar bear skull peeking at us over the rocks.

När vi kom tillbaka ombord på M/S Quest var det dags för det berömda polardoppet och många modiga själar kastade sig i det iskalla vattnet som inte var varmare än 1 grad Celsius!
Efteråt njöt vi av grillfesten som teamet hade ordnat. Massor grillade läckerheter som vi avnjöt i en fantastiks omgivning och berg och glaciärer. Vi hörde till och med att efter att de flesta hade gått och lagt sig, dansade några fortfarande i midnattssolen på de yttre däcken.
Please note: Depending on the lens used for a photo or video shot an animal may appear to be closer than it is. We always follow strict wildlife guidelines to ensure that we do not cause any disturbance.